Once your financial plan is prepared, it is important it is reviewed regularly. Life changes rapidly, and these adjustments can affect your personal and financial circumstances in a blink of an eye. Some factors you have some control over and others you don't.

Let's look at some events that can affect your financial plan:

Personal Factors   External Factors
  • a wedding
  • amendments to superannuation law
  • the birth of a child
  • changes in taxation legislation
  • a divorce
  • fluctuating interest rates
  • a redundancy
  • rising inflation and unemployment
  • the eldest child is starting school
  • economic cycles
  • a promotion and pay rise at work
  • oscillating investment returns

As we all lead busy lives, most of us don't have the time or expertise to stay ahead of our changing environment and how it can impact on our financial goals. This is where a financial planner and a regular review will prove valuable.

Checking your financial plan
How to find a financial planner?
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Rising HNW numbers fuel need for specialist advice
12 September 2024, 12:32pm
There was an 8.7% increase in the number of high-net-worth (HNW) investors in Australia last year, bringing with it increased demand for estate planning, tax optimisation, and investment strategy advice. Read more